These pictures is the same day when I took the pictures of rains . I was smoking so I thought it would be cool to take some pictures of my cigarette

I took these pictures in a forest of Matang wild life resort. I use canon EOS 400D camera. I was walking with my friends when i saw this tree with little plants growing on it.
these are the stairs we had to climb to reach the top. That's a lot of stairs.. :)
I took this picture inside the forest. I was walking behind the whole group. Suddenly I saw this tree between others. It was very hard to see the top as it was covered by other trees. I thought it would a nice picture i can take a closeup.
This picture was taken near matang wild life resort. There is a small stream and many people goes there for swimming. I get down in the water, tried to go as close as possible to the water. When I look through my view finder i saw a man and a women in the back ground of my picture. after taking the shot I thought that it might be not a good one. But later I realize that it is not so bad as i thought...... :)
hi everyone. these pictures are from my trip to matang on march 2008. It was a very interesting trip as this was the trip when i took my first real picture with my new canon dslr camera... :) It was also a very exciting trip.

The whole gang. We just landed in matang wild life resort...
The whole gang with me on the right corner..... :)
Everyone trying to get them inside my camera